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Developing Self Awareness

One of the key principles of success is to constantly check in and notice what is and isn’t working and have the flexibility to change when necessary. Seeking feedback from others is important and from time to time, getting independent insights from the world’s best assessments.

We focus our self-awareness assessments in the main areas:

  • Sales and Sales Leadership Effectiveness (OMG)
  • Effective Communications (DiSC)
  • Emotional Intelligence (EQi 2.0)



Training needs to accomplish several things to be worth the investment.

The team involved must understand why they are in the room, what the desired outcomes are and what they will get out of it personally. 

Secondly, it must challenge their current thinking and behaviours in a way that helps them understand that incremental improvement is possible for them.

In addition, the training needs to be interactive, draw them out of their comfort zone and cause internal shifts of thinking right there in the room. 

Our training in NLP helps us create an environment of trust and curiosity which encourages engagement and change.

Coaching and Mentoring

More and more business leaders are realising that ongoing coaching is the best way to embed new skills/capabilities and incrementally improve the performance of their teams



+61 498 498 335



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