The Neuroscience based sales growth program hosted by Trevor is one of the better courses I have done. Excellent delivery and the content is relevant no matter what sales experience you have, or what you are selling. Highly recommended for salespeople of all levels, as everyone will benefit and takeaway a lot of helpful tools that can easily be implemented to improve sales performance. David

Do blind spots get in the way of growing your business
Most people have seen this video or one like it.
Count the number of times the players in white pass the ball.
Most people don’t see the gorilla walk across the screen and other things happening. Why? We all have ‘Blind Spots.’
Blind Spots are gaps in our behaviour, understanding or perception that affect our ability or results in some way.
Of course, you can’t see your own blind spots, even though you might think you can.
What if your or your team’s blind spots are getting in your way of growing, getting better results, or thrilling even more clients?
Here are some common blind spots in salespeople/sales leaders:
- Needing to be liked too much
- Really busy doing quotes, so no time to follow up on winnable deals
- Make assumptions because of deep technical knowledge
- Don’t coach the sales team
- Talk too much
- Resist change (claiming they love change)
- Not open to new ideas – already know it all
- Micromanagement
- Have you ever given some feedback to a boss, peer, team member or your partner, and they said, ‘no, I don’t do that,’ and then proceeded to do it right in front of you?
“I never talk over anyone” without letting you finish what you were saying.
Many people’s patterns are so engrained (cognitive bias) that they struggle to see that the feedback applies to them.
What approaches can help?
-Encourage 360 feedback via an assessment or directly from peers
-Record sales or meetings conversations, and arrange to play them back during a feedback session (with permission, of course)
-Always seek growth feedback. Take people with you to calls, really listen and pay attention to the feedback you find uncomfortable
-Get a coach/mentor who will challenge you
-Ask your clients for honest feedback (won and lost deals)
-Arrange to practice challenging behaviour areas. Role/real plays do help in sales.