Things aren't always as they seem
In Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), reframing is a technique we use to change the way someone thinks about or perceives a situation/event. The aim is to shift a person’s perception to help them overcome limiting beliefs, negative thoughts or a particular behaviour.
A few examples:
A salesperson struggling to close deals regularly may reframe their method by shifting their focus from “selling by telling” to “helping the client discover the depth of their problem.” This change in perspective can help the salesperson be a trusted advisor, get invited back into the business more often and ultimately improve their revenue numbers.
Consider that a leader struggling to motivate their team may reframe their approach by shifting their focus from “micromanaging and instructing employees what to do” to “empowering employees to take accountability for their work.” This leadership style change can help the leader create a more engaged and motivated team.
A normally productive team facing a project failure could, instead of fixating on past mistakes, reframe it as an opportunity to learn and discover new ways of improving the faulty processes.
Reframing is a powerful tool we teach in our NLP for business/sales courses. These skills can be used in many contexts to change how we think, perceive and operate in the world around us, enabling us to overcome challenges and achieve our goals.